Monday, October 25, 2010

portrait notes 114-125

Shoot a formal portrait
-prepare in advance
-be relaxed so your subject is relaxed
-background, with 10 to 20 feet of clear space
-put stool in front of backgroun 4 to 6 feet
-lght about 45 degrees
-set camera 6-10 feet away

camera settings
-good to shoot with wide aperature
-use f/2 or f/2.8(35mm lense)
-use 1/60 shutter speed
-keep subject in focus and background out of focus

Lighting for formal portraits

-place light 45 degree angle on one side of your subject
-use a reflector on opposite side


-try shooting in open shade but avoid deep shade
-include blue sky but not direct sunlight
-cloudy days are best
-avoid busy and distracting backgrounds

The candid Portraits
-candid portraits cature a person going about everyday life and activities.
-try to take photos with them noticing you
-invlude surroundings
try to capture different moods

camera settings
-use faster shutter speed 1/250
-use flash

The enviormental portrait
- the enviormental portrait uses a subject's surroundings to help it tell that person's story
-combination of formal portrait and photojournalism
-subject is smaller part of image
-background is important and tells story

camera settings
-wide angle lenses
-use f stop f/5.6 to f/8

-use clone tool or healing brush

self portrait
-self portrait you become your own subject
- shows your personality

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


*portraits are the most popular subject in photography.
*they demostrate similarities between subject and view
*formal: emphasize only the person
*candid: person going about everyday actiivities
*enviormental: person in setting that says something about him or her
*self portraits: feature yourself

Early Portrait Photographism

*Gasper-Feliz Tournachan was 1st great portrait photographer(France). He used "speaking likeness"-portraits that revealed his subjects personalities.
*August Sander was 1st to take enviormental portraits

Creating Portrait Photos
*lightest and darkest areas attract and move eyes
*keep in mind location of light source(highlights, shawdows)
-bring emotional content
*RULE OF THIRDS - maintains balance, creating dynamic aspect

Shape and Form
*shape is critcal
*dominate shape emphasizes him or her
*center of frame and minimizing the back ground

Working With People
*must gain trust and cooperation
*become comfortable with subject
*good temporary relationship with subject

Camera Formats
* bigger negatives = more detail
*medium format cameras are most popular

Film Choices For portraits

slow films(50-100 ISO)
*fine graines and small
*more detail and smoother looking images9good for formal)
*use tripod

fast films(400-3200 ISO)
*more sensitive to light
*good for candid and enviormental
*fasert shutter speeds

Black and white or Color?
-balck and white focuses on the subject
-serious formal quality
-but with grainy quality suggest edgy energy

-warm colors set a definate moof of energetic intensity
-cool colors sets moos is resentful and calm

Equipment Choice:lenses for Portrait
-different focal lenses produce different results

Camera Accessories
-tripod: 3 legged metal stand, steady camer and sharpens shots; best for stationary subjects
-cable release: flexiblewire attaches to camera shutter release. Lets you take picture without touching camera.
-reflector:anyting that will reflect light into shadows to lighten them for a flattering 3-dimmensional portrait.

The Formal Portrait
-simiplest portrait style and should emphasize the serson and nothing else.
-person in front of nuetral background
-don't haev sun in picture or it will throw off camera's meter.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Event Photography notes

Event photography

-you must take alot of photos, just to make sure you capture the right moments.
-there is alot of poor lighting on stage so you must adjust your settings.
-you must use suboptible lighting condiotns
-after you taking pictures at the event, immediatly download and edit
-when editing use 3 hues
*light balance
*clarity controls
-when using photoshop use layer in cloning
-also use black and white dark room analogies

Greg Khan a photojournalist

Greg Khan started his carrear when he went on a trip with the national geographic magaizine of photojournalism. He graduated from George Washington University. He has a bachelors degree in visual communication and things with photography and graphic design. In his senior year he volenteered at the National Geographic magazine. He currently works at the Naples Daily News in Florida, USA. In additon to daily assignments he produces multimedia projects and long term photo essays. He has also won many awards, such as best Photojournalist of the Year(samll markets), last year.

His photos are very interesting and great peices of work. You can look at his website here